Monday, September 17, 2007

"The transformation, through the division of labour, of personal powers (relationships) into material powers, cannot be dispelled by dismissing the general idea of it from one's mind, but only by the action of individuals in again subjecting these material powers to themselves and abolishing the division of labour. This is not possible without the community. Only in community with others has each individual the means of cultivating his gifts in all directions; only in the community, therefore, is personal freedom possible."

I had Trouble understanding this paragraph because I dont understand what or how one needs to change his life or relationship, in order to 'transform' into something or someone better, and achieve freedom with the help of the community. - 15k

1 comment:

Jeanine said...

What I believe Marx and Engels is saying here is basically that the worker needs to stand up for himself. The poor and lower class are the ones who suffer from the “division of labour” Marx speaks of. The division lies in the difference between the working class, in which the people have become resources themselves, and the upper class which exploits these resources. In order to end the exploitation, the individuals who make up the working class need to band together and use their talents and abilities collectively to break out and achieve personal freedom.