Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Anyway you can see this in Act II when they are refusing to let him stay with them. They are asking him to get rid of all his servants or men or knights or whatever they are, and then they just throw him out in the cold. The whole scene just makes women look mean in general and does not show them in a kind understanding light. They also proceed to call him old and senile.
Also in the act before this one the third sister, Cordeilia, is the nice and sweet one and she is left with none of the power in the end, and she doesn't stand up for herlself she just backs down. Helen Cixous would say, "“Either the woman is passive; or she doesn’t exist." This is the only way that men want women to be, either do as they say or you are not even a person to them.
Lear asks his daughter to express their undying love for their father, dependent on how they respond Lear divided his empire accordingly. In this sense the daughters are prostituting themselves out for the assets of their father’s kingdom. As we will learn later in the play there is no emotional attachment to their claims, which would make the reader think that they are sincere.
Feminist critics would also have an issue with Lear disowning Cordeilia for her lack of expression for how much she loves her father. Lear takes tosses her away as if she was a piece of property, The Duke of Burgundy also drops all attempts to marry her after he finds out she is worthless. As Cixous states “women are either passive or no existent”(p.230) , this is the case with Cordelia, she could submit like her other sisters and make a theatrical profession of her love for her father, or she could refuse and face the consequences. Her choice of the latter resulted in her the erasing of her existence, she no longer has any worth or value.
Luce Irigaray in King Lear
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Here his character begins to see what is actually going on. Here he sees how the rest of the kingdom
Poor naked wretches, whereso'er you are,
That bide the pelting of this pitiless storm,
How shall your houseless heads and unfed sides, 35
Your loop'd and window'd raggedness, defend you
From seasons such as these? O, I have ta'en
Too little care of this
Here he is feeling what his people feel when storms like this come and how he has done nothing to help them. He also sees how his daughters have mistreated him.
But I will punish home: 20
No, I will weep no more. In such a night
To shut me out! Pour on; I will endure.
In such a night as this! O Regan, Goneril!
Your old kind father, whose frank heart gave all,--
O, that way madness lies; let me shun that; 25
No more of that.
I would interpret this as Lear being the upper class in terms of wealth over the people of his kingdom, but at the same time he is lower class compared to his daughters.
Marxism In King Lear (Too tired for a witty title)
King Lear......Feminist Reading
Helene Cixous in “sorties” states that “Either the woman is passive; or she doesn’t exist. What is left is unthinkable, unthought of. She does not enter into the opposition, she is not coupled with father” (pg 230). Women, in the past, were perceived as obedient and submissive. These characteristic traits were portrayed as favorable and if women lacked these aspects they were considered as non-existent. In Act two, the women, more specifically Regan and Goneril demonstrated the exact opposite of this notion. They utilized deception to gain priority. The sisters strived to completely dethrone their father. The king’s knights represented power and the sisters, acknowledged this fact, demanded the king to release them from their knightly duties. By eliminating the King of Britain, the women gained excessive amount of power and hence became more salient to the world as well as to the male dominating society. Another way in which they eliminated the king from power was when they sent Kent to the Stocks. Even though King Lear asked his daughters to dismiss him from the device, they refused indicating his lack of power.
Act two can also be perceived as anti-feminist. Luce Irigaray states “Man and woman, woman and man are therefore always meeting as though for the first time since they cannot stand in for one another. I shall never take the place of a man, never will a man take mine” (pg 238). The sisters, in a discrete fashion, strived to become the opposite sex. They could have gained power and rights to the country with out striving to deliberately belittle their father. This notion is also perceived through their relationship with their husbands. It seems as if they dominated that relationship as well. They refuse to listen to their spouses when they ask them to treat their father in a more kindly fashion. However, in order to gain power, according to Irigaray, once must remain in their own position and never strive to become the opposite sex.
Disowning people because they don't love you as much? That's F-d up
So I decided to do this as a feminist. I did it this way because its a good example of men and what happens when you don’t stroke their egos. I'm not going into a Freud thing here though I probably could. I decided to use the Ideas of Simone de Beauvior, with the idea of the "Eternal feminine" in mind his first two daughters that offer him praise and numerous reasons as to why they love him are given shares of his Kingdom, while the daughter that only seems to love him out of obligation because she is his daughter gets pawned off on other people. He understands that his two other daughters will never be queens but strips Cordellia of the ability to become that because she doesn’t love him the way he thinks se ought to. All women have inside of them the ability to either be the "saintly mother" or cruel stepmother" perhaps this was the authors way of showing the different facets of women at the time? On a more modern scale even today, women who suck up to men in powerful positions are more likely to get ahead, its extremely self defeating and sexist but it exists. de Beauvior says
The myth of women plays a considerable part in literature; but what is importance in daily life?To what extent does it affect the customs and conduct of individuals? In replying to this question it will be necessary to state precisely the relation this myth bares to realityThe myth is shown to exsist here because Cordiellia is written off as the immediate bad guy because she isnt like her sisters so she's basiay stripped of all worth and titles. She submits herself as the kings daughter to loving him out of obligation unlike her sisters as I mentioned earlier but the connection I wanted to make here was about that and de Beauvior's point that
Paternalism for hearth and home defines imminence and transcendence; when one offers the extent no ain or transcendence falls vainly into the past-that is to say, into imminence, This is the lot assigned to women in the patriarchate; but is in no way a vocation , anymore than slavery is a vocation of the slave
He try’s to pass her off to two people. The Duke of Burgundy and the king of France who only gets her by default. He banishes both her and Kent from his Kingdom because he argues that he has made a stupid decision in disinheriting Cordiellia, Keeping the earlier quotation in mind and the concept of vocational obligation of the slave, Cordiellia to me was not only indifferent to the situation because she felt this way, but because if she comes across feeling like this when asked to express her love for her father, what can he really do but renounce his loyalty to her? Realistically people arent always going to give you the response you want to hear. Social constructs leave all Lear’s daughters at his mercy, whereas he gets to decide what happens to them based on who he gives shares of his Kingdom to. This falls back into the idea that the man in the situation maintains "absolute rights" and imposes "categorical imperative" on the women. It is expected that the women in both this situation and any modern one similar to this simply take what they can get and be happy with that.
Monday, December 3, 2007
Anyone who missed class can view the presentation parameters to the right.
Part II.
When reading the Lacan piece one passage that i had trouble understanding was "In the light of this conception, the term primary narcissim, by which analytic doctrine designates the libidinal investment characteristic of that moment, reveals in those who invented it the most profound awarness of semantic latencies. But it also throws light on the dynamic opposition between this libido and the sexual libido, which the first analysts tried to define when they involved destructive and, indeed death instincts, in order to explain the evident connection between the narcissitic libidio and the alienating function of the I.."
Interpreter of Dreams....
I know and trust that all of my fellow classmates most certainly understands that I and all of us are not really trained as pscychoanalysis professionals, so taking a stab at interpreting each other's dreams is all in good fun. I truly think that Ziyad's dream might have something to do with mayne his feelings towards women in general. Freud might say that there is a good chance that he is experiencing these weird feelings that he was doing something wrong because maybe secretly deep down inside he may feel more comfortable with having been with a man. Why would he feel it is weird to hang out with a girl if he is heterosexual? It could be his subconsious trying to tell him something. Or....maybe he feels uncomfortablw in hanging out with the girl because of his religious upbringing. If I am not mistaken, the religious upbringing he has was a muslim one. In the country that his family originated from, I know for a fact that marriages are arranged and there is no "hanging out" with the opposite sex. It is a major forbidden. Woman are viewed as much lesser then the man, and the virtue of a woman is held in very high regards. Maybe, in the dream, the weird feelings came from a deeper suppresed feeling of sexual need. He felt like he was doing something wrong for being on a bed and watching t.v. even though there was nothing going on. His mind led him to believe that he was because of condensation. A whole set of images packed into one, which this would make a lot of sense. He is just laying in bed doing nothing wrong, but a deeper reading is that maybe he wanted it to go a lot further and it didn't because he knows that it would be wrong because of his moral and religious upbringing.
Of course, I just realized that another classmate analyzed the same dream so I will take a stab at another dream as well....
I remember two dreams I've had this and last week. In onc of them, I was playing soccer with a very close friend of mine, whom I haven't seen for years ever since I came to States. In another, I was kissing this fat chick, thankfully not a french. The good thing is that I haven't had a nightmare in more than 10 years, if I remember it correctly.According to Freud readings I've done, these manifest dreams just represent my desire to meet my old friend (playing soccer may not have any meaning at all) and another desire to, well, have a romantic relationship with someone which I think is in the unconscious level (because I won't admit it).
I think it is very possible that the imagery of playing soccer with a friend that Heyon hasn't seen in along time might be perhaps just a condensation of a feeling of longingness. Maybe that one friend just represents that he is a feeling of loneliness and maybe the want and need to revert back to the past. The funny thing that I picked up on, is that he said, "I haven't had a nightmare in more then 10 years"... is it really a nightmare that you are kissing a fat chick? I think that this is a bit shallow, and might say something about what he perceives as good enough for him. Is it possible that he fears being with someone who does not meet his standards physically? This could possible illustrate that he might in his real life be striving for perfection in a woman and the dream might be illustrating that no one is perfect, and that he should try to connect with a woman on an emotional level as opposed to a physical one.
"Within my dreams, there have been several various settings; a classroom, out with my friends, in my own home with my family and the list goes on. But in each of these dreams, I am the center of attention. Everyone seems to be trying to speak to me, and only me, regardless of who is there. It could be my best friend, a professor, or even an attractive girl asking me question after question. But, in each dream, I cannot come to a response. I can't even process what these people are saying to me. I'm just sitting there, doing nothing, not able to move or even breathe. I can't walk or talk or feel anything emotional or physical. Just a bag of meat with eyes."
The relative position of him and others suggest me that level of attention Mike is getting normally is either insufficient of more than sufficient. Maybe there are some people in his life who are forcing him to do things. Also Mike suggests that he's not expressing himself enough, or that he just wants to stay quiet. Or maybe he just doesn't like crowd.
Lacan is basically way beyond my comprehension, but here's just one of them:
"In man, however, this relation to nature is altered by a certain dehiscence at the heart of the organism, a primordial Discord betrayed by the signs of uneasiness and motor unco-ordination of the neo-natal months. The objective notion of the anatomical incompleteness of the pyramidal system and likewise the presence of certain humoral residues of the maternal organisms confirm the view I have formualted as the fact of a real specific prematurity of birth in man."
I honestly have no clue about Lacan.
Sunday, December 2, 2007
The passage which I tried so desperately to translate is on 193 and is the second last paragraph. Here Lacan is saying that all knowledge and urges are taken by the wishes of the other (or the image, not the I). It is in this that abstract equivalence and meaning is given and through this the actions we take are dangerous even though these things seem natural. These normalizing values are only gained though living in the society and learning what is accepted. Through society we learn things, but our (I am guessing he is only talking about men) sexual preference and objectivity comes from the Oedipus complex, or the antithesis of that, which Hegel would argue.
I have to say though, I disagree with him philosophically.
Dream Analysis
I am in my town which is in this house on the beach (I live by the beach) and I know exactly what block it is. I am in this dark brown, possibly black house which is black and red on the inside. It seems very gloomy and almost "vampirish" if that makes any sense. I am trapped inside and can't get out although I am free to roam around. There is an eagle in it that I think comes after me or something. It's just a very scary place and although I am in the house I can see that the town is isolated and no one is to be found. This is really all I can remember but I had this dream twice and it was almost the same both times. When I wake up I am petrified and can't go back to sleep, so good thing I don't have it often.
Maybe this dream is about your fear of being alone. (Dont take any of this personally please) Maybe the town and house being vacated is just you being alone and it comes across in this house just to make you realize like this house, being alone is something you are scared of. The eagle could possibly represent someone who may be coming to save you since eagles are sometimes a symbol of freedom. I think maybe you are free to roam but locked in to show you that you can be at peace and free within yourself even if no other person is around you. This is just about all I could decide. I think yours was one of the only dreams left unanalyzed. Sorry if this bothers you at all... if it does blam the
Short Boring Pointless Dreams
What I interpreted from this dream could possibly mean that Ziyad has a guilty conscience about something going on in his life. If he has a girlfriend and was dreaming about another girl whether she was just a friend or not he feels like in some shape or form he betrayed his girlfriend. Another approach would be to watch out for a girl whom says she just wants to be Friends because she might have something hidden up her sleeve.
Mike is just a piece of meat.
I'll post the Lacant thing in a bit. Tootles!
Adrien's Bigness
My analysis:
In order to understand what the idea of a Giantess was I not only had to find the definition but also ask Aidrien, the conversation took place a while ago but between the actual meaning an the shirt he wore on Wednsday I think I have a pretty well constructed idea. So before I get into the Freudian way of interperating his dream I wanted to start with what I compiled over the weekend according to both dream dictionaries, articles and what the actual term means. First the whole concept of him being attracted to larger than normal women ie the 50 foot woman has to do with a term called macrophilia. This is defined as fetishism towards giant women, these types of women do not exsist in the real world they are often described as similar to a woman you may have read about during the time of the titans and amazons. The only reasonable example I could find according to "Urge: A Giant Fetish" found on was the Statue of liberty which was described as a
monument to freedom, democracy and the big-girl aesthetic, she looms over New York Harbor, 225 tons of womanhood, 151 feet from toes to torch tip, her head high and huge, her massive bosom outthrust to welcome the tired, the poor, the huddled masses. For immigrants arriving on America's shore, the statue is the earth mother of international acceptance. For macrophiles, she's something else -- the ultimate sex goddess.
Macrophiles are turned on by giant women that uare also called GTS's. As I did some more digging for outside information I found out that the fact that he is dreaming about Giant women may not even be something that can be considered of a sexual nature. Giants in dreams often signify obstacles in a persons life where if a person constantly dreams about giants they may be consumed with the idea itself. Whereas on the opposite side if a person dreams they are a shrunken person being dominated by a giant they are likely to have an inferiority complex. Leaving the idea of sexual attraction or fetishism according to the article I read, these things may not even be his issue. According to Dr Helen Friedman, a clinical psychologist in St. Louis he's either
Playing out some old, unresolved psychological issue.Maybe as a child they felt overwhelmed by a dominant mother, or a sadistic mother. Or were abused. This macrophilia is not so much a fetish as a disassociation from reality. It's part of an internal world." The macro's submersion in fantasy, she says, serves as a substitute for a more normalized approach to sex.
The bed in the bedroom of his dream
Since he really didn't describe the state of the bed in his post there is no way to tell whats going on with him, because mostly from what I've learned our beds are supposed to be places we rest ourselves while in dreams their seen as a symbol for how we see ourselves and our lives when we are awake. The fact that theres a woman on his bed and its away from home may mean that he is not comfortable expressing the fetish he has in familiar surroundings or people he knows on a more personal level. Whereas say in class he may feel more comfortable because he doesn't know everyone and may feel less likely to be judged since on some level we're all relativitly strangers to each other
The Subway/Underground transportation in his dream Because this part of the dream was short, ot can be seen as a temporary look at his day to day life or hidden emotions based on what I've read. Going back to the idea that he fetishizes GTS' this may mean that he draws on it based on the people around him. It also has to do with the way he deals with normal things in his life. The last symbol I wanted to talk about in his dream was the color orange, now first I thought this had to do with sunlight, but sunlight in dreams and the color orange mean two totally different things. I was kinda hoping to get away from the sexual aspect of everything but that just seems to be a recurring theme at this point. The color orange has to do with a persons sexual well being and expression.
What Frued would say
Because I really would like to get back to sleep I'm going to sum up what I think his thoughts would be as well as incorperate the ideas of disasociation, condensation and
. First The dream ends in a SUBWAY then a bedroom, he beleived that any symbol in a dream ie: trains or tunnels were automatically about sex. So no there is no excaping this and we might have a freak on our hands. As far as the Giantess women go another Fruidian issue is visited, he might just be projecting his issues with his mother, I mentioned this earlier according to another Dr. But this was orginally a Fruidian idea. With dissociation in mind it is defined as a " state whereby the memory of an event is divided into individual parts which are not wholly, or partially accessible to consciousness at any one time" So even with everything that is going on in his dream everything may just be a result of what has gone on durring his day, his mind may just be projecting it all in a familiar surrounding with objects or people that he knows on some level (except the faceless people) Condensation is defined as when ideas merge together to form one, so the major symbol in the dream (The girl from Florida who later becomes a giantess) may just be all the events of his day culminating into one idea. People usually dream about things in the form of others they can relate to see on a regular basis or in someway idolize so this makes sense. His displacement issue was something I found more interesting than anything else because with the whole idea that displacement means most of the time bouncing an idea or emotion on to something or someone else Adriens dream could just represent how he feels about a separate person or situation. He mentioned that he couldnt stop thinking about the girl so maybe this was his minds way of internalizing his obession with her?
Assal's Never Ending Meadow
My interpretation of this dream is simple. Through the first couple of lines, I get the feeling that Assal feels tranquility by being in this meadow. Personally, I would endless field of green on a bright sunny day, (kind of like that desktop background that already comes with the Windows XP software called Bliss). Assal later writes that she walks continuously, hoping to reach the end of the meadow, in a way contradicting her initial feelings of peace and happiness. If the meadow was such an inviting place, why would she want to reach the end of it? When she encounters the old man who fails to give her any directions, I feel as if Assal begins to feel desperate, anxious to get somewhere productive. Perhaps the old man didn't even see her there, perhaps Assal was invisible to anybody around her. She pretty much sums up her own dream with her last line: "I felt lost and hopeless". This dream might parallel with her life right now; maybe she feels as if she's lost in certain situations and no one cares enough to help her get out of that hole.
2) "..the mirror-image would seem to be the threshold of the visible world, if we go by the mirror disposition that the imago of one's own body presents in hallucinations or dreams, whether it concerns its individual features, or even its infirmities, or its object-projections; or if we observe the role of the mirror apparatus in the appearance of the double, in which psychical realities, however heterogeneous, are manifested" (Lacan 191).
In English, Lacan might be saying that one's mirror-image, in other words one's reflection is thought to be what appears in our dreams, even if the imago's details aren't exact. Later he goes on to say that "pshychical realities are manifested", in other words, the remainder of one's dream is purely created by our brain and these additional thoughts or images are false.
This behavior demonstrates the point I've been making about children up to eighteen months old. It reveals an active conflict between the individual and its core needs. The impact of this behavior, which has been a difficulty up to now, also reveals insight into the metaphysical structure of the human worlds that coinsides with my exporations of fear driven knowledge.
My Dream...... Lesley
I am not Freud so Lesley please do not take this seriously by any means! Your Cheese Cake Factory dream seems quite contradictory. You were a corporate trainer, an individual with high status, but yet you were boggled with failure. I am assuming that you had to demonstrate confidence, professionalism, responsibility, and leadership in order to achieve such high status. Perhaps, explicitly, you illustrated those traits, but implicitly you suffer from failure syndrome. You are constantly afraid of failure and that your accomplishments are never quite good enough. You might be apprehensive about authority and how they might view you. Most importantly, you might fear their disapproval and its effects on your life. Their disapproval might demote you to your starting position within the company. The fact that time, with in your dream, occurred in slow motion, can indicate your feelings towards the future. Perhaps, since time moved slow, you may think that you will not be bestowed with the opportunity to move up the corporate ladder. Also, the dream can indicate that Lesley fears abandonment from her servers. What would cause you to feel that way? Did they not listen to you in the past? Did they have a tendency to abandon their managers?
Her dream can also present a specific trait that can be perceived both negatively and positively. She can be viewed as an over achiever. She might never be satisfied with her accomplishments hence the starting over and setting up the tables by herself. She might believe that in order to accomplish a task accordingly, she has to accomplish it herself.
Her dream about her family telling her that she is not good enough might have to due with the fact that once again she is an over achiever. She feels that her family members are never quite satisfied with her achievements. She must go that extra mile in order to demonstrate her worth to herself and family.
Part II
“The child at age when he is for a time, however short, outdone by the chimpanzee in instrumental intelligence can nevertheless already recognize as such his own image in the mirror. This recognition is indicated in the illuminative mimicry of the Aha- Erlebnis, which Kohler sees as the expression of situational apperception, an essential stage of the act of intelligence. This act, far from exhausting itself, as in the case of the monkey, once the image has been mastered and found empty, immediately rebounds in the case of the child in a series of gestures in which he experiences in play the relation between the movements assumes in the image and the reflected environment, and between this virtual complex and the reality it reduplicates- the child’s own body, and the persons and things, around him.”
What I think he is saying in this passage is that a child recognizes him/her self for the first time when they are capable of distinguishing them selves in front of a mirror.This act indicates intelligence. The act of recognition will eventually become"empty", which will then allow the child to recognize his surroundings. I however do not understand the whole scenario with the chimpanzees.
Interpreting a Dream....
My interpretation for this dream is that the dream is an illusion of the everyday life experienced by the student. In this case by Ryan, who only remembers the moments in college, where he feels the class not being adequate to his learning experience. Attempting to talk about the condensation part of his dream I would say is, focusing on the two concepts of interpretation to come up with a dream illusion. An example would be how Ryan, interpreted the class registered for the next semester as hating it by its whole concept, the other interpretation is bringing a third person who is the "guy in his math class", as being the professor for this class, who might be a guy who he can't listen for a long time, someone who may exaggerate too much in his conversations that just seem unimportant. Thats what I think, I don't know if its ok. Therefore, the point of condensation is by 'Over-interpreting' the idea of a class which would happen in a few months, a class that he is unaware of the concept that would be implored. Displacement in this dream can be seen by replacing a typical day by an example in the present days in qc, to the days that would come later on, a class that he finds less interest nowadays, than the class he dreams of. The way Ryan used his thoughts into visual images is, by imagining a day in qc which he is in a class he finds lacking the idea of the class, after that walking up to a seminar which most of the time is boring, by having a public speaker talking for hours, as a result most students loose interest and just leave. In the end, the dream is just an illusion of an everyday life, by going to school, and disliking or liking the class idea implored. Consequently, all of us have an everyday routine that we follow, from waking up and taking a shower, to attending class, and by this we are accostumed by making iilusions of what life will be like. Therefore, for me this dream is an illusion that Ryan has by remembering his life's routine, in this case going to school and not agreeing on the 'class concept'.
(2) "This Jubilant assumption of his specular image by the child at the infans stage, still sunk in his motor incapacity and nursling dependence, would seem to exhibit in an exemplary situation the symbolic matrix in wich the I is precipitated in a primordial form, before it is objectified in the dialectic of identification with the other and before language restores to it, in the universal. its function as subject."
I read this and all I could understand was, an image of a child in his infantry stage, still unaware of life, and its problems. The stage of innocence that describes how the person is at the time. After that I was lost with the whole 'matrix', I think this means that the same child later experiences its role in society, by the different language and beliefs of the society it belongs to. Therefore, as the child grows so does his adaptation in society and in the world.
Freud and Lacan: A Psycho-Analytic Battle Royale
I think I’m up to the task of going Freud on Kasey’s “monster of a dream”. To start, I believe the whole setting in the beginning (the “massive yellow water slide stretching comically into a cel-shaded sky”) could be a representation of how he sees this world (the conscious world) as a very comical, almost cartoonish place where the most improbable things seems to happen and this dream world of his might be an over-extension of his views (that could also tie into the drying off immediately after getting out of the water). The instant transformation of scenery from a lake to a dirt road with a group of people could be seen as a manifestation of his life that could keep changing without him even realizing it.
When he and his group encounters the “mirror group” who battle his group and the leader has a red glowing crystal sword while he has only a plastic knife shows that Kasey might feel like he cannot face himself, but somehow manages to anyhow, as he defeats his enemy. When Kasey is in possession of the sword, it turns into a “fierce blue”, which feeds into the inability to face himself as he might be in a state of stability (which is supported by the cheers of his group) when he does not have some sort of internal conflict.
Upon the encounter of this Matt person, it seems to have some effect on him, as someone (or a composition of a group of people) who attempts to affect them negatively, but seems to be simply shrugged off, as shown through how easily he gets rid of that Matt person who can’t control his emotions (this could be a representation of someone or some people in Kasey’s life that can’t seem to get their lives in check and he clearly realizes that as he finally has his own troubles put to rest for the time being).
Overall, this dream could be seen as a view of Kasey’s daily life taken to an imaginative extreme, where things don’t always run so smoothly and people try to get the best of him and, because of their own issues, cannot do so as he is clearly aware of their issues though he might not be aware of his own issues or aware of a potential solution to these issues.
I will be honest here, this Lacan piece is a difficult one to read through for me, much less difficult to find a passage to pick and translate. However, I found one portion that I feel that I get the general gist of:
"It is this moment that decisively tips the whole of human knowledge into mediatization through the desire of the other, constitutes its objects in an abstract equivalence by the co-operation of others, and turns the I into that apparatus for which every instinctual thrust constitutes a danger, even through it should correspond to a natural maturation- the very normalization of this maturation being henceforth dependent, in man, on a cultural mediation as exemplified, in the case of the sexual object, by the Oedipus complex." -Pg 193
This, in layman's terms, is stating that the way we interact with one another, how we feel about one another has become a normal dependency that comes together as one societal unit. The way we interact with one another and perceive one another (the Oedipal complex, as Lacan states, is exemplary of this) ultimately helps create and mold who we are.
Part 1 May Chuckie burn in hell
Time to play "What would Freud Say": Joe don't be embarrassed by a Chuckie dream, we all have them, even me mine consisted of Chuckie and the Olsen Twins but lets not into that. Chuckie has nothing to do with the true meaning of the dream, it is the fear of losing a loved one, and yourself. Maybe your sub conscience feels your home may be insecure and a fear of someone breaking in. Maybe you have something that you fear losing whether it's a person or an object, you love this thing and fear it being taken away from you. I only say this because in the Chuckie series he tends to kill people tied to a family or people related to each other in some kind of way. Which is a good thing because you express that you care for these people that are close to you and fear to lose them. Do not be frightened by the imaginary character of Chuckie for he has no part in what your dream is truly trying to tell you. Do not take the following part of my posting seriously (Now to Kid around with this I'm kinda bored) To help yourself not fear this character I would do things to take away the fear, by taking a Chuckie doll stuff it with candy, and like they do at fiestas and turn it into a pinata and watch the joy on kids faces as candy comes from this once feared character and turn it into a lovable candy midget.
I am not Freud
1) A dream by Mike Nektalov: “I had a dream recently. I looked a little older, maybe 24 or something. I was playing Poker in some place i cant recall, and i was playing with these Rich folks who had a lot of money. I felt
honored at first, but then realized that they couldnt play. They sucked. I remember betting 45,000 $ pre-flop and some famous basketball player called me all in with 2,6, off suit. He took me out of the game in two hands. Then got up and made a scene of it "Yeah, Thats whats up, who's getting out next". At this point i remember saying to myself who calls 45,000 $ on a 2,6, off suit. For christ sake he won with a pair of 2's. Then i couldnt sleep for hours.”
Keep in mind that I am not Freud so my interpretation may completely insane. As for the dream you can see plenty of Condensation and Displacement but not so much of The Transformation into Visual Images. The dream seems to be quite short and he has omitted quite a lot of information that I believe is important. The dream is obviously a fantasy because he is dreaming of a particular point in the future where he is perhaps a pro poker player. He doesn’t say it but I am guessing he is playing Hold’em poker because that is what is the most popular since 2003 when moneymaker won the main event. Mike doesn’t mention if he was playing in a tournament or a ring/cash game but it is most likely a ring game because $45,000 isn’t much money in a tournament. He cannot recall the name of the casino or the famous basketball player’s name. If you were playing with someone famous don’t you think you would be able to remember their name? Some other things that he omits or is unable to produce are the rest of the cards. Mike doesn’t tell us what he has or what the flop, turn, and river are. This is just me but I believe a lot of important information is missing. I don’t know what else to say but he probably couldn’t go back to sleep because of a bad beat. 2,6 off suit is the second worst hand in poker next to the 7,2 off suit.
2) I can't pick any particular passage that is troubling because when Lacan started using all the big words and terms he loses me. But most of it just revolves around the mirror stage. He starts us off slowly talking about chimpanzees and babies and how they recognize themselves in mirrors and then he just keeps going.