Wednesday, November 14, 2007


As I was leaving class, Adam said I had him a little worried, suggesting that a fiction writer should be responsible for what she or he writes, the positions that she or he inhabits. Let me be clear: I don't think she or he should be, not even a little. At the same time, I worry that an author who doesn't treat their work as a matter of consequence (even to the extent of worrying about real world consequences of their work: intifada, exile) is an author who hasn't fully engaged with the problem of writing, in this case defined as the problem of trying to understand others.

And as a final note on the writing/reading question, there is ample evidence throughout this book and Coetzee's work generally that the critical movement outside of the self doesn't happen through reading, but writing. And not just writing anything, but writing fiction in particular. This is a position with which, I hope is clear, I fully concur.

For Monday: No reading, no blog. Just an exemplary paper (for those of you who missed class, I've extended the deadline for the paper to class on Monday, November 19th). We're running out of time for revision this term, so let's attempt perfection.

Self centered magistrate

"And to restore some of the goodwill that previously existed, I am undertaking a brief visit to the Barbarians"(pg.57) I think that this helps exclaim why the magistrate helped the barbarian girl back to the mountains. I do not think that he wanted to be a part of the Third Bureau and he did not want to be anything like Colonel Joll. I think he also may have slightly regretted what he did to the barbarian girl because he was totally taking advantage of her by washing her and using her body to satisfy his whims.

I also think that he did not accomplish anything at all throughout the whole book. All he kept saying is hoe he wanted to die alone and happy in his own bed, so then why did he concern himself with things that were beyond his control. He was kidding himself the entire time. He was not able to restore anything to the barbarians and ended up hurting himself in the end! I think he is a selfish and self centered person!

Selfish actions, Selfish man but so far a good read

When we had started working on this book, you mentioned that regardless of anything we may get out of it the book is centered around a man and his penis of sexual needs/wants. At first I didn't think that would be completely true, but even with other things going on as I read everything goes back to that, It may not be done by the character himself but there are alot of undertones and instances in the novel that can be considered sexual I understand that we were told to focus on one particular passage in order to prove our answer but I think that my answer goes beyond a passage. Also I feel like the barbarian girl symbolizes perhaps more civilized people coming to some how modernize supposed savages. Though I agree the magistrate did what he did for love, what kind of love is that? Even though he does come to care about her as the book progresses from what I understand, he still seems distant and withdrawn from his actions. This can be seen in "Dreamless spells are like death to me, or enchantment blank and outside time" This first starts on (pg 28) when he washes her feet. He's obviously in some way turned on my this and as she later "yields to everything" he does to her cited (pg 30) He also notes that he himself found on (p 33)
From the beginning my desire has not been to enter her, my desire has not taken on that direction, that directness lodging my dry old mans member in that hot-blooded-sheath makes me think of acid in milk ashes in honey, chalk in bread. When I look at her body I find it hard to believe that once upon a time I imagined the human for as a flower radiating out from a kernel in the loins.
(pg 33) Hr objectifies her here but at the same time he tries to remember another time when he knew her as less civilized. He tries to make it seem like she has been made into a better person because she is staying with him but he has tainted her in the process. To say that the magistrate's actions were out of love would mean that they weren't for the sake of the barbarian woman but himself, even if he does seem like he is doing things to help her out as I said earlier it all reverts back to him, as a negative when he dies I felt like his actions have come to fruition. He may see the error of his ways too late but this does not stop the inevitable. The reason I said that the barbarian girl represented savages being modernized is because as a country according to history American's have always tried to force other places or people in the world to emulate them. Even if this does ruin the overall culture as a whole or the people themselves, it all doesn't seem to matter as long as who they are attempting to fix/colonize resemble them in the end in some form of fashion

Magistrates true intentions....

There are many things the Magistrate did that can be confusing in coming up with a central idea, although he got to live moments of torture, pain, agony, discrimination, all the events that occured before his eyes when he was at power and didn't do much to help. I think that one of the main reasons the magistrate do what he did is as an act of abuse in his power. First of all what he did was be part of an injustice army which for them was an empire, ll he did was follow the law, he practiced it, adored it as something valuable, and gave orders as if he was also the law, all coming to the same idea that he was just a puppet manipulated by the injustice of his empire.

The magistrate as forming part of the empire he believed was full of justice, but later realized it was all a mistake. He would see the injustices committed by the torturers, specially to the barbarian girl, how they broke her ankles, and almost blind her completely. Although, to me the magistrate didn't completely will pitty for the girl, he did help her by taking her into his house, off te streets as a beggar, he cleaned her, oiled her, massaged her, but all for the same purpose to see and use her as a sexual desire. It can be explained by him saying, "From the moment my steps paused and I stood before her at the barracks gate she must have felt a miasma of deceit closing about her: envy, pitty, cruelty all masquerading as desire." (132) I think this is one main reason to explain what the magistrate did, by seeing the fragile girl alone and suffering in the streets, he took her in his house helped her but for his own interests. Another reason may be that he felt guilty of all the injustices that where being done by the bureau, by tutoring the slaves, and discriminating the barbarians, as comparing them to animals of them being savages. The magistrate was part of this empire, therefore he wanted to make a difference in helping the barbarians, he accomplished it by taking the girl back to her people, therefore for him he was different from the other real savages who where the people who committed injustices. In the end, the magistrate accomplished a kind of rebirth for a new empire, where afier he experienced all the pain, torture, and discrimination he saw the barbarians where given in his time of power, he also lived by it and by his suffering he valued his life and that of others. Consequently, after all his sufferings the magistrate would live to the moment where the old empire left and all was started to come alive again, there was new crops, new life for the people, a new beggining, a new empire for the future.

The Magistrate is a selfish old man.

"I hope that when we return them to their homes along the river they will have many far-fetched stories to tell their neighbours. I hope that the history of their captivity enters their legends, passed down from grandfather to grandson. But I hope too that memories of the town, with its easy life and its exotic foods, are not strong enough to lure then back. I do not want a race of beggars on my hands." (Page 19)

The magistrate proves in this passage, and does so repeatedly for the remainder of the book, that we is acting in his own (and the town's purely by association) self interest. In this quote, he is showing his desire that the town becomes the stuff of fisherfolk legend, and surely him with it as its administrator, so to speak. He wants the glory to be recorded, but just that. That he why he so vehemently ejects the notions of keeping prisoners and torturing them. He sees it as a glaring blemish in this charming hamlet's history. It surely becomes quite more than just a blemish as the book goes on, quite more like a horrendous infection that sweeps through the town, destroying all it was and all it could be. The magistrate does not want this. It is not for the love of the township, it is love of himself, his desire for an easy last few years. He is more selfish even than Joll, who at least puts the empire before himself. The magistrate could care less about the empire, all he cares about it his retirement.


After reading the book and understanding what the Magistrate purpose was throughout the story, I think he did what he did for more than one reason. The first reason he says is "To repair some of the damage wrought by the forays of the Third Bureau." The second reason being, "And to restore some of the goodwill that previously existed, I am undertaking a brief visit to the Barbarians"(pg.57). The third reason being and the most obvious is a feeling of love and gratitude towards the barbarian woman. I feel he went on this excursion to show the girl and the other barbarians that his life wasn't going to be dictated by the colonel and that he wasn't scared of the barbarians. I think he also went to show the barbarians that even though he works for the Colonel and that there goal is to capture the barbarians that he wasn't like them he was different and didn't want to do any harm to them. As he stated before he went, "To repair some of the damage wrought by the forays of the third bureau", he didn't go there to justify what the colonel and his people did. He went there to show them that he wasn't like them he didn't agree what they did and explain to them he was different. I think he uses the Barbarian girl to show the other barbarians that he can be trusted by bringing her back to them. Showing them he risks his life to save one of there own, and probably thinking to himself this would beneficial to him in case the barbarians would strike or in case he needed them in a time of trouble. Even though his feelings were true towards the Barbarian girl I think they both were using each other. For him to have a reason to leave and pursue the barbarians and raise his stock as an overall good guy. For her it was her ticket out she knew he would be her only chance to get free and find her way back to the barbarians.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The magistrate’s actions seem to be driven by different purposes at different points. He acts out of love, for instance, when he escorts the blind nomad girl through the desert and into the arms of her kin. His crying out in protest to the flogging of the prisoners was out of outrage at the savagery of his own people. Mostly though, I get the feeling that he wants to disassociate himself with the Empire. He’s seen what it has to offer with the oppression, torture and death (“You are depraving these people!” he exclaims), and he wants no part of it. He hates the position his superior put him in. He hates that he is unable to fight back at first because of the laws restricting him. “We live in a world of laws” he tries convincing himself earlier in his career as a magistrate though he knows that, when the empire’s concerned, the law is not as orderly as first apparent. As the years go by, he cannot lie to himself any longer, and, upon meeting Joll, a product of the Empire, he realizes that things cannot continue as is. Joll is the embodiment of what the Empire stands for and he knows that, if the Empire had its way, he would have turned out as twisted as that man. He does not want to become Joll. That is something he wants to avoid above all else. Joll is his opposite, his reflection in a twisted mirror. He sees in Joll’s actions the evils the Empire would eventually force him to perform upon the peaceful people and he knows he must cut all ties to it.

I honestly cannot say that the Magistrate accomplishes anything and as to why he does the things he does; I don’t even think he knows why he did them. As we talked about in class he pretty much stumbles into every situation either totally oblivious to the consequences of any of his actions or he is simply naïve enough to believe that nothing will happen to him. This is not to say however that the man I stupid. I think the flaw in his character lies in recognition in worldly matters. There is one progression or accomplishment that he has made however. Early on in the book he talked to the girl about grim, very melancholy subjects. He even goes as far to say that he talks to her about his self resentment. As we come to the end and he is beaten, starved, bruised, broken (in more than one way) and humiliated he no doesn’t talk much about how this resentment toward himself. I can certainly see that clearing this personal obstacle could be some sort of accomplishment but does this end really justify the means in which he obtained it? There is a chilling line that he lip syncs to Joll “The crime that is latent in us we must inflict on ourselves.” I think this is where the Magistrate is summed up. To understand you must be wronged, and true understanding is when you do it for yourself. I believe that even though he might be oblivious he is doing it in the interests of bettering himself. To call that self-serving however, I leave that for Adam to decide.

The magistrates reasons for doing what he did, is he came to the realization that 1). He, himself has realized the lack of justice in his ability to plead his case. 2). the punishment of the Barbarians was not justified. The magistrate has realized that he will not receive a fair trial, or the ability to explain his actions, he has critiqued “Civilization” and its ability to maintain and promote justice. The colonel has his perceived assumptions of the magistrates’ dealings and therefore finds the magistrates truths to be false.
The Magistrate then goes on to question whether crushing the Barbarians feet was justice. “Justice: once the word is uttered, where will it all ends? Easier to shout No! Easier to be beaten and made a martyr. Easier to lay my head on the chopping block than to defend the cause of justice for the Barbarians” (p.106)
The Magistrate sees justice for those that have the whole world against them as pointless, the “civilized” ones have their idea of a fair punishment for an unknown crime, and despite what this old man has said they will stick too it.
The Magistrate was not successful in his ranting; the Barbarians were still whooped senselessly by the Mob. Whether or not the Nomads were guilty of any crime was not discussed, nor was awareness raised. The settlers seemed not to be disturbed in any way by the actions that had occurred, they seemed elated that some form of twisted “JUSTICE” was served at their hands.

The Magistrate and his confusing actions...

Although I have finished reading the novel, I still find the Magistrate's actions to be confusing. I have several opinions about him and what he has done throughout the book, but it seems to be impossible to precisely pinpoint any reasons.

That being said, on the third to last paragraph on page 71, we can read about the Magistrate's encounter with the barbarians as he is giving the girl the option to return to the Empire with him or go back with her people: " 'Tell them what you like. Only, now that I have brought you back, as far as I can, I wish to ask you very clearly to return to the town with me. Of your own choice.' I grip her arm. 'Do you understand me? That is what I want.' " My interpretation of this is that the Magistrate felt it to be his responsibility to return the girl to her people because he had already made it his responsibility to take care of her whilst at the Empire; he bathed her, healed her wounds, provided her with shelter, clothing, food, etc. However, in the end, he grew so fond of her company that he found it difficult to actually have to say bye to her, which is why he made it clear to the girl that he honestly wanted her to return to the Empire with him. We obvioiusly learn that the girl did not feel the same as he did because she decided to abandon him and proceed with the barbarians.

Silly Magistrate, Empirical Opposition Is For Barbarians

"Amazed I stare at this elaborate utterance as it winds its way out of me. Am I mad enough to intend a provocation?" (Coetzee 116)
Prior to this passage, The Magistrate questions the torturer as to how he can devote himself to torturing people. The response that he receives is indeed a provocation as he seemingly knows how the torturers would respond, despite his inquisition. This leads me to believe that The Magistrate might actually be "mad enough to intend a provocation". One has to take into account that he is an elderly man who has been serving the very empire that brands him as an enemy for his entire life. As he draws closer to death, he might begin to wonder if his service to the empire is for a greater good or a greater injustice. While it isn't explicitly revealed in the text, it seems as if The Magistrate would not be one for the use of torture and execution to bring justice to those who have done the empire wrong.
It seems as if he was surprised at his actions and the reactions that they caused, though one could attribute that to his seemingly naive nature. However, I do believe that while he may be surprised at the actions of the empire (though he really shouldn't be), he does have a hidden motive behind his actions as his last living action could be to make change within the world, or at the very least, open people to the idea that the empire is slaughtering an entire group of people for being what they are and nothing more. The Magistrate may be reckless and careless in his actions, but his potential intentions could stretch years beyond his lifespan.

Washing the dirts off her legs

After the magistrate takes the begger woman to his abode, he starts washing her body. On page 28 there's a description of that scene "I begin to wash her. She raises her feet for me in turn. I knead and massage the lax toes through the soft milky soap. Soon my eyes close, my head droops. It is rapture, of a kind." Why the rapture? The first thing that came to my mind was his sexual drive which was later on disproved after sleeping next to her on the same bed for days there would be no sexual activity between the two. Also magistrate knows his limits as an old man to a young woman, and over and over what magistrate wants from her is for her to talk to him, answer his questions, not sex.
When he brought her to his place, he knew about the tortures committed by the interrogators to her (specifically to her legs and eyes). He also confesses later on how he feels about the empire and what it's doing to the Africans. He just can't stand the injustice and wanton cruelty of his greedy empire, and is shamed for being a part of it. The source of this "rapture", in my opinion, was the relief that she is now on his safe and caring hands, and by washing her legs and kneading her body he felt as if he is kneading her scarred and tortured soul, washing off the injustice done to her in the jail. This is another scene where we can witness what a conscientious individual he is.
Another scene I would like to point out is when one day he goes out to hunt, he sees a buck. It was just another hobby of his, his usual activity, in which he shoots to kill an animal or miss it. However, this time he doesn't shoot. He tries but he cannot. Here's the scene: "With the fuck before me suspended in immobility, there seems to be time for all things, time even to turn my gaze inward and see what it is that has robbed the hunt of its savour." He never figures out why he didn't pull that trigger. Not even a hint. What did he see in that buck that disabled him to shoot? The defenseless buck that's only good at being shot at. Maybe he saw a barbarian. A barbarian in the crosshair of the empire's rifle. The empire that he hates for its barbaric measures of fulfilling its greed. Shooting the buck would have been a confirmation that he also is part of the empire, and for that reason, I believe, he didn't shoot.

Justice or Freedom?

I think that the Magistrate does what he does because of his sense of justice? He believes he is doing the right thing by helping the barbarians. There are many scenes where he aids the barbarians. In the second chapter page 47-48 in my book the Magistrate is having nightmares because he probably feels guilty because he was unable to help the barbarians. Then there is another scene page 71 in my book where the barbarian girl is speaking with another barbarian. The magistrate tells her to “Tell them the truth.” I kind of got the impression that the Magistrate wanted her to tell them about what a nice man he is and stuff but I guess she didn’t. It seems to me that the Magistrate wants someone to recognize him for his honorable actions?

Or perhaps there was an ulterior motive? After he was put in a cell he seemed pretty happy. Page 78 in my book “I am aware of the source of my elation: my alliance with the guardians of the Empire is over, I have set my self in opposition, the bond is broken, I am a free man.” Did the Magistrate intentionally help the barbarians so he would be expelled of his position? We know that earlier in the book the Magistrate was talking about just living out the rest of his life doing whatever. I don’t know these are just some things I thought about as I was reading the book. If the Magistrates goal was to become free he accomplished it otherwise he just really screwed the people. The town lost their crops. I’m pretty sure that the barbarians got word of what they were doing and what they did to other barbarians so they got revenge.

The Magistrate's Trial

The Magistrate did what he did to satisfy his own guilt not just because he kept the girl, but because of the entire movement against a people, their culture. By returning the girl to her people, he thought he was squaring it between the empire and the barbarians in his own mind. ( However, I think the Empire were the Barbarians, and the natives waited for them)
"I want to say that nothing passed between myself and the barbarians concerning military matters. It was a private affair. I went to return the girl to her family. For no other purpose." I think the magistrate put himself on trial and the only righteous action to take was to bring the girl back. I think his age was constantly on trial, and the 'road trip' was another action to take to prove his virility (mostly to himself).

The magistrate says something very interesting at the end of chapter six "I think: 'I wanted to live outside history. I wanted to live outside the history that Empire imposes on its subjects, even its lost subjects. I never wished it for the barbarians that they should have the history of Empire laid upon them. How can I believe that that is cause for shame?'" I'm not quite sure what to make of it.

For Love?

The Magistrate’s actions are still quite ambiguous. It is difficult to interpret the true meaning that lies behind his performance. Even though his actions are vague, a progress can certainly be observed. His feelings for the girl develop gradually. At the beginning of the novel, he views her as a vulnerable girl who would do anything for shelter, care, and food. Hence, he takes advantage of this notion and utilizes her for his sexual needs. If his intentions were any different, then why didn’t he shelter and clothe a young lad?

However, half way in to the novel, specifically during their dreadful trip, he demonstrates his true and evolving feelings towards the girl. Most importantly he reveals the true meaning that lies behind his actions. On page 67 he says “For five hours we huddle behind the piles firewood and the horses while the wind lashes us with snow, ice, rain, sand, grit. We ache with cold to our very bones, the flanks of the horses, turned to the wind, are caked with ice. We press together, man and breast, sharing our warmth, trying to endure.” Why does he endure this crucial weather? His sincere love for the girl pushes him forward to complete his journey and to hand her to the barbarians. He could have simply turned back once he sensed the cold weather approaching. He did not even have to initiate the trip in the first place. Further, this trip caused him his job, self identity, and respect. This idea can be further demonstrated through when he says “In twelve days on the road we have grown closer than in months of living in the same rooms” (page 70). Perhaps, this statement can demonstrate the fact that he was truly happy with the trip and its gains. Even thought he illustrated his true love towards the girl through what he did, I am not sure if he actually accomplished anything.

Monday, November 12, 2007


On Wednesday, we will finish up our discussion of Waiting for the Barbarians. For the response, let's try to point to a passage that particularly illuminates your final reason behind your answer to the following question(s): Why did the Magistrate do what he did, and did he accomplish anything by it? Quote that passage, and then explain your reasoning.


My essay will cover Achebe on Novels in Africa, Conrad on Achebe. And will also include Waiting, somehow, not sure since I'm still reading it.

Sunday, November 11, 2007


Feminism, 'motherfucker'....and probably a movie similar to that of 'M...f...r.'

Essay 2 Topic

My topic for this paper will be on feminism. I am going to analyze the works Aimee Bender and also refer to a movie..possibly Mona Lisa Smile or Tootsie.

My Topic

My second essay is a, I guess feminist reading on the two readings Debbieland and Sarah Cole.

Essay #2

I will be exploring the field of feminism for my second essay. I will attempt to relate the movie ,Wicked Man, to the feminist writings that we have read. I will also strive to interpret the movie according to a feminist point of view.


I read the back of Waiting and I found that one of the reviewers mentioned Kafka and how Coetzee writes like Kafka. I have The Metamorphasis by Kafka and was thinking about comparing the two.

Essay #2

Ive decided that my second essay will be about Post Colonialism. Using the works of J.M Coetzee's Waiting For The Barbarians and the works of Mary Rawlandson's Women's Indian Captivity Narratives. This should make an interesting paper because both stories are like looking in a mirror seeing double.........

The most wonderful blog ever!!!

My second essay, I have decided will deal with feminism and I will be discussing the two pieces we have read, A Room of One's Own and The Company of Wolves in the essay and how a feminist would analyze them.

Post Colonialism

My topic is on Post Colonialism in Ireland. So raise your Pints

Essay 2 Topic

I plan on focusing on the theory of feminism and relating it to the Judd Aptow movies. I am not sure exactly which ones yet. And also, back to the theorists in the class Woolf definitely being one of them.