Wednesday, December 12, 2007


First the buisiness: The essays are due via email Monday December 17th by nine a.m. I'll be leaving town only two days later, and will not return before the grades are due. Therefore, missing this deadline will result in your failing the course.

Then the niceties: No speeches, but I will say that this was the either the first or second most engaging group of students I've taught in the last ten years. In fact, you were called 'the kind of students all of us at Queens dream of having' by another professor at this school. Many of you will probably not be in a classroom full of that many verbally engaged and engaging students again. Maybe, but probably not. So congratulate yourselves for that. And look over your blogs, and congratulate yourself on just writing so much about so many different things. It represents a fine effort.

I'll put up the pictures here as soon as Jennifer sends them.

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