Tuesday, September 18, 2007

What does productive forces refer to?

At first I was under the impression that "Productive Forces" had something to do with the government and the work you may do for it, however upon further research I found out I was misinformed. According to Wkipedia "Productive Forces" are defined as the use of mental power/physical labor to achieve an outcome. Marx however believed that unless these powers were controlled by actual people that they weren’t of any true use. That without human labor the value would become less and less if not completely be destroyed. Think of it as a personal health issue. Your symptoms may start off small, but constantly ignoring them and neglecting your overall wellbeing will cause more problems than they solve. Marx believed that the productiveness of a community was based on cooperation. What I took from this was that if people were no longer willing to cooperate and follow the ideas of what was meant to a productive force they could be replaced or controlled by machines.
the power of property ownership to command human energy and labour-time, and thus of inanimate "things" to exert an autonomous power over people.

The idea of "Productive Forces" may not have initially been meant to encourage communism but its basic Idea does exactly that. Communism is built on the notion that in order to be a successful community you must be unified and without any outside originality the whole idea is meant to control people regardless of being in the interest of gaining capital and ultimately help the economy.

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