Monday, October 22, 2007

10.22.07 Motherfuck**

When reading Motherfu**** by Aimee Bender you cant help to wonder what a feminist would think when reading a story like this. One would think how many aspects that are made would have many negative viewpoints to a feminist reader. First of all the name of the main character, "Motherfu**er"would offend a feminist knowing the main character likes to f**k women who are mothers and not go after single women who bear no children. So the women in the story are all selected before hand he is looking for a mother who has children, and is very gullible and is easy to attract. So after he is able to seduce them into finally sleeping with him and getting emotionally close to him, he has won and another women he has gotten to fall into his trap. Another aspect that might upset a feminist reader could be the way he refers to the women he has been with. He says, "Tina with the straight ahead knees in Milwaukee, Annie with the caustic laugh in Chicago, Betsy's lopsided cleavage in Bismark, crazy Heddie in Butte, that lion tamer in Vegas, the smart farm girl from Bakersfield." You can see how he has little nicknames for all the girls he has been with just to remember what they look like and even who they were. At the end of that line he doesn't even remember some of the women's names just who they were and what they did. For him all those women were like a new trophy for him to put into his case. As soon as he accomplished what he wanted from them that was the last of them and on to the next, "Motherfu**er".

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