Wednesday, November 28, 2007


The dream I had happened about a week ago and happened back to back nights. I had a dream of being in a deli/candy store and I purchased one of those NY lottery scratch off cards where you have a chance to win a certain amount of money. So I bought what I think was a "Win For Life" card and I won $100 dollars on it. I remember going back to the place cashing it in and getting the money and spending it on something. After spending the money I woke up from my dream I couldn't remember where i bought or who i might have been with all I knew was i had one $100. So on my way to school the next morning I had stopped by a 7-eleven to get a coffee and while I'm paying I see they sell the same card I won the $100 on. So i decided to buy one thinking maybe it was a sign and I'm going to win that amount of money now. That wasn't the case I lost like you normally do. So that was the end of that.
The next night however I had the same dream again this time it had a couple of more details in it. I once again was in another candy store this time it was a certain one that i always go to. They had the "Win for Life" card there again so I bought one and once again its a $100 winner.This time i remember seeing the card, and seeing I had three $100 symbols in three certain spots. That's what you needed to get in order to win. So I woke up from my dream dazed and confused and kind of angry I keep having this reoccurring dream. So once again i go to the Store that I saw in my dream and buy a card to play. This time however I won $10, so I thought to myself its not $100 but at least I won something. Then the weird thing was the $10 numbers were in the same spots I dreamt the $100 numbers were. Could it be I thought in my dream it said $100 but was actually $10? I don't know but after that happened I stopped having that dream!

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