Monday, November 26, 2007

Freud and Literature

Freud's theories on dreams and their meanings definitely correlate to our study of literature.
"We laid down four main relations of the kind: the relation of a part to the whole, approximation
or allusion, the symbolic relation and the plastic representation of words." When I read this quote of Freud's, it is very clear to me that this can not only deal with the interpretation of dreams, but also literature, and how we write it, read it and understand it as well. A writer, uses words to symbolize things and meanings, and writer's also try to create allusions in their story.
This idea is especially true when reading Shakespeare because most all of his plays, are filled with allusions and dreams themselves, where the character's spend most of their tormented time trying to figure out exaclty what they mean. Shakespeare is also a genius when it comes to "play" on words and their symbolic meanings. One can clearly see the correlation here between Freud and literature because of this example.

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