Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Showgirls. Best. Movie. Ever.

Sorry I just had to quote that. Anyway as far as dreams go I don't get them much. The dream I can remember however happened way back when I was very little, I would say around the age of five. The dream I had happened the same way every night for about two weeks straight. What would happen is me getting out of my bed in the middle of the night. After I get up and walk out of my room I would make a right and go into my formal dining room. At this point I knew what would happen. As soon as I enterned the dining room I would be blocked by the big table we had. I knew that as soon as I walked into the carpeted pink pathway that Chuckie the little doll would come out and kill me. I'm not making this up and I'm not joking. There was one dream I remember where one of my parents came out and asked me whats the matter. Being right across from my room the entrance to the  Chuckie then proceeded to kill the parent and then me. I was horrified I couldn't sleep for those couple of weeks. Then one day the dream went away.

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