Sunday, November 25, 2007

Some thoughts

The first paragraph of the passage made me think a lot especially the line that goes “In doing so you will make use of both of the two complementary techniques: calling up ideas that occur to the dreamer till you have penetrated from the substitute to the genuine thing and on the ground of your own knowledge, replacing the symbols by what they mean.” For some reason I thought about dreams being fiction writing and non fiction writing to being awake or whatever because of “dream-distortion.” Freud basically says that we have to decipher and understand our dreams. That is a lot like fiction because in fiction there is a lot of things that we have to interpret and figure out what something means. There is also the part where he says that dreams are fulfillments of wishes that haven’t been experienced. It made me think that maybe the only way that people can tell other people things is through fiction because it has to be interpreted and understood. You can’t just tell people facts like in a nonfiction book because they wouldn’t really connect with it because it is just raw information that is thrown at them. You need to get through to them by writing fiction so that readers can see things for themselves. Freud then goes and breaks down the whole idea of dreams. But that is just the gist of things on how I thought it related to literature. Most of what Freud was saying is just things related to our dreams and how they are constructed.

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