Wednesday, November 28, 2007

My dreams....

As long as I can remember, my dreams are more and frantic then calm and satisfying. When I used to work as a corporate trainer for The Cheesecake Factory, I would have nightmares almost every night that I was on the road that I would walk into the restaurant and everything that I had done to make things successful for the opening the day before would somehow be a disaster the next day, and I would have start over from the begining again. I would dream that all my servers would quit the day of the grand opening and I would have to take all the tables by myself and my feet would be stuck to the ground and I wouldn't be able move. It would be as if I was in slow motion, and there would be nothing that I could do to keep it moving.

Now that I am in school, almost every night I have bad dreams that I wake up late and miss tests. I also have dreams of my friends and family saying things to may that make me feel like I am waisting my time, and I should just give up. This couldn't be further from the truth in real life. My family members tell me on a daily basis how proud they are of me and how much they believe in my success as a student and as a person in life in general. I suppose that my dreams are just illustrating my own personal fears, and that I need to keep going and working hard no matter what it takes.

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