Monday, November 26, 2007

Freud and literature

When trying to figure out the revelance to Freud and Literature, I first thought about his whole theory about dreams and the idea of dream-works, and interpretating what is not relality and wanting it to be real. Now when trying to relate this idea to Literature I looked at how fiction can be seen as somewhat as a dream, in that it is a made up idea or story from many ideas. We know fictions is not true an not reality, same thing dreams. But when putting the two together they both send messages about ourselves personally. When an author writes fictionI believe in his mind he is writing about a dream or fantasy he might have, or a nightmare. Now relating this to Shakespere, he has written many fiction plays containing nightmares, and personal fantasy's becoming true, individuals doing anything by all means to fulfull their enjoyment which happens in dreams. Using literature he turns his plays into amazing stories containing dream like attributes that we can all relate too. When taking a look at the story of Oedipus you recongnize right away that this was a fantasy gone wrong, and this literature can be seen as a dream that one may have if one son feels for his mother the way he did. And using literature the dream is expressed. Literature allows you to play with words however you would like, and create anything thing out of it, and an author can use it to express a dream or fantasy he might have using fiction and a character that might not be him but have characteristics of the author. An author is able to live it without really living it, like a dream.

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